Professional Print & Layout - Add/Update Media Information (macOS)
Article ID: ART175694 | Date published: 11/26/2019 | Date last updated: 07/27/2021


This article shows how to add or update media information in Professional Print & Layout on macOS.


If you have updated the media information on your printer as well as in the printer driver, you will also need to update the media information in Professional Print & Layout.  To update this information, follow the steps below.

  1. Click File --> Other Settings....

  2. In the Preferences tab, click Add/Update Media Information.

  3. If new media information is available, you will receive a prompt asking if you want to update the media information.  Click Yes.

  4. The program will update the media information for your printer.

    After this process has finished, click OK in the Other Settings window.

  5. Any new media types found on the printer will be added to Professional Print & Layout.

If your product issue was not resolved after following the steps above, or if you require additional help, please create or log in to your Canon Account to see your technical support options.

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