ScanGear Preferences (Scan Tab) - CanoScan 4200F
Article ID: ART176566 | Date published: 03/10/2020 | Date last updated: 03/10/2020


Learn about various options that can be adjusted in ScanGear Preferences for the CanoScan 4200F.


Preferences Dialog (Scan tab)

You can pre-set the functions that are automatically carried out during a preview or scan, such as the Auto Crop or Auto Tone function, in the Preferences dialog. 

Scan tab in ScanGear Preferences window

Scan without using ScanGear CS's Window

Options for scanning without using ScanGear's window

Some applications, such as OCR software, do not display ScanGear CS's main window while scanning (UI off mode). These applications set the scanning settings, preventing you from changing the Color Mode settings with the usual procedures. If you wish to scan with one of the Color Modes below, use this function to override the application's settings.

Text Enhanced A check mark in this option overrides the application program's settings to set the Color Mode to Text Enhanced.

This setting is disabled when the UI mode (main window displays) is active.

Enable 48/16 bit Output

Option for Enabling 48/16 bit output

When a check mark is placed in this category, the Color (48 bit) and Grayscale (16 bit) options are added to the Color Mode category in the Advanced Mode, permitting finely detailed scanning.

 The Grayscale (16 bit) setting can only be set when Film is chosen in the Select Source category. It cannot be set when Platen is selected.

 If you remove the check mark from the Enable 48/16 bit Output category in the Preferences window after you select Color (48 bit) or Grayscale (16 bit) in the Advanced Mode, the Color (48 bit) setting will switch to the regular Color setting and the Grayscale (16 bit) setting to the regular Grayscale setting.

 Some application programs may not support images scanned with the Color (48 bit) or Grayscale (16 bit) settings.

Automatically Quit ScanGear CS after Scanning

Option for Automatically quitting ScanGear CS after scanning

A check mark in this option causes ScanGear CS to automatically close after a scan.

 Some applications override this setting and always automatically close the ScanGear CS main window after scanning.

Sound Settings button Sound Settings Button

A sound file can be played during a scan or serve as an alert at the end of a scan.
Click the [Sound Settings] button to display the following dialog.

Sound Settings window

A check mark in either the Play music during scanning or Play sound when scanning is complete option allows you to click the Browse button and select a sound file.

 Please adjust volume settings with the computer. They cannot be adjusted with ScanGear CS.

 When the [Play Sound When Scanning is Completed] option is selected, it takes longer than usual for the scanned image to appear in the application program. It may, depending upon the length of the chosen sound, take up to 10 seconds longer to display. 

 The following sound file formats can be selected. 

  • MIDI (*.mid, *.rmi, *.midi)

  • Audio (*.wav, *.aif, *.aiff)

  • MP3 (*.mp3)