EOS REBEL T8i: Magnified Image Display

Article ID: ART176992 | Date published: 06/19/2020 | Date last updated: 09/15/2023


Magnified Image Display



Magnified Image Display

  1. Switch to magnified view.

    • During image playback, press the Magnified view button.
    • The magnified view will appear. The magnified area position (1) will be displayed in the lower right of the screen.
    • Each press of the Magnified view button magnifies display.
    • Each press of the Reduced view button reduces display. For index display (), press the Reduced view button again after the final reduction.
  2. Scroll the image.

    • Press the Up key Down key Left key Right key keys to scroll images vertically or horizontally in the direction you press.
    • To cancel the magnified view, press the Playback button or tap [MENUReturn].




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