EOS REBEL T8i: Editing a Movie's First and Last Scenes

Article ID: ART177010 | Date published: 06/19/2020 | Date last updated: 09/14/2023


Editing a Movie's First and Last Scenes



Editing a Movie's First and Last Scenes

  1. In single-image display, press SET.

    • The movie playback panel will appear.
  2. On the movie playback panel, select [Edit].

  3. Specify the part to be edited out.

    • Select either [] (Cut beginning) or [] (Cut end).
    • Press the Left key Right key keys to go back or forward one frame (or video snapshot) at a time. Keep holding down the Right key key to fast forward.
    • After deciding which part to edit out, press SET. The portion indicated by a line at the bottom of the screen will remain.
  4. Check the edited movie.

    • Select [Playback] to play back the edited movie.
    • To change the edited part, go back to step 3.
    • To cancel the editing, press the MENU button.
  5. Save the image.

    • Select [Save and exit] (1).
    • The save screen will appear.
    • To save it as a new file, select [New file]. To save it and overwrite the original movie file, select [Overwrite].
    • Select [Save compressed version] (2) to save a compressed version of the file. 4K movies are converted to Full HD movies before compression.
    • On the confirmation screen, select [OK] to save the edited movie and return to the movie playback screen.


  • Because editing is performed in approx. 1 sec. increments (at the position indicated by [Specified position] at the bottom of the screen), the actual position where movies are trimmed may differ from your specified position.
  • Movies recorded with another camera cannot be edited with this camera.
  • You cannot edit a movie when the camera is connected to a computer.
  • Compress and save is not available for movie recording sizes of Full HD29.97 fpsIPB (Light) (NTSC) or Full HD25.00 fpsIPB (Light) (PAL).





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