EOS REBEL T8i: Setting Image Search Conditions

Article ID: ART177089 | Date published: 06/19/2020 | Date last updated: 09/15/2023


Setting Image Search Conditions



Setting Image Search Conditions

You can filter image display according to your search conditions. After setting the image search conditions, you can play back and display only the found images.

You can also protect, rate, play a slide show, erase, and apply other operations to filtered images.

  1. Select [Playback: Set image search conditions].

  2. Set the search conditions.

    • Use the Up key Down key keys to select an option.
    • Set with the Left key Right key keys or the INFO button.
    • A checkmark [Check] (1) is appended to the left of the item. (Specified as the search condition.)
    • If you select the item and press the INFO button, the checkmark [Check] will be removed (which cancels the search condition.)
    Item Description
    Rating Displays images with the selected (rating) condition.
    Date Displays images taken on the selected shooting date.
    Folder Displays images in the selected folder.
    Protect Displays images with the selected (protect) condition.
    Type of file Displays images in the selected file type.
  3. Apply the search conditions.

    • Press SET and read the message displayed.
    • Select [OK].

      The search condition is specified.

  4. Display the found images.

    • Press the Playback button.

      Only the images that match the set conditions (filtered) will be played back.

      When the images are filtered for display, the screen will have an outer yellow frame (2).

Clearing the Search Conditions

Access the screen in step 2, then press the Erase button to clear all the search conditions.


  • If no images match the search conditions, SET cannot be pressed in step 3.


  • Search conditions may be cleared if you perform power, card, or image editing operations.
  • Auto power off time may be extended while the [Playback: Set image search conditions] screen is displayed.




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