Manual Focus on the EOS R6.
Article ID: ART177871 | Date published: 11/19/2020 | Date last updated: 07/13/2023


If focusing is not possible with autofocus, you can magnify the image and focus manually.



Manual Focus

If focusing is not possible with autofocus, you can magnify the image and focus manually.

  1. Set the lens's focus mode switch to MF.

    • Turn the lens focusing ring to set the approximate focus.
  2. Magnify the image.

    • Each press of the Magnify or reduce button changes the magnification ratio, as follows.
  3. Move the magnified area.

    • Use Multi-controller to move the magnified area into position for focusing.
    • To center the magnified area, press Multi-controller straight in or press SET.
  4. Focus manually.

    • While looking at the magnified image, turn the lens focusing ring to focus.
    • After achieving focus, press the Magnify or reduce button to return to the normal view.


  • In magnified view, the exposure is locked.
  • Even when focusing manually, you can use Touch Shutter to shoot.

Setting MF Peaking (Outline Emphasis)

Edges of subjects in focus can be displayed in color to make focusing easier. You can set the outline color and adjust the sensitivity (level) of edge detection.

  1. Select [Autofocus: MF peaking settings].

  2. Select [Peaking].

    • Select [On].
  3. Set [Level] and [Color].

    • Set as necessary.


  • In magnified view, peaking display is not shown.
  • During HDMI output, peaking display is not shown on equipment connected via HDMI. Note that peaking display is shown on the camera screen when [Shooting: HDMI display] is set to [Live View shooting+External monitor].
  • MF peaking may be hard to discern at high ISO speeds, especially when ISO expansion is set. If necessary, lower the ISO speed or set [Peaking] to [Off].


  • Peaking display shown on the screen is not recorded in images.
  • MF peaking may be hard to discern when Canon Log is set. If necessary, set [View Assist.] to [On].

Focus Guide

Setting [Focus guide] to [On] provides a guide frame that shows which direction to adjust focus and the extent of adjustment needed. The guide frame is displayed near any eyes that are detected for the main subject when [Autofocus: AF method] is set to [Face+Tracking] and [Autofocus: Eye detection] is set to [Enable].

  1. Select [Autofocus: Focus guide].

  2. Select [On].

    • After pressing the AF point selection button, you can use Multi-controller to move the guide frame in the direction you press (except in Scene Intelligent Auto mode).
    • To center the guide frame while using Multi-controller, press Multi-controller straight in.
    • To set the guide frame after moving it with Multi-controller, press SET.
    • You can also move and set the guide frame by tapping the screen.
    • To center the guide frame, tap [Set AF point to center] or press SET.

The guide frame indicates the current position in focus and adjustment amount as follows.

Significantly out of focus toward infinity

Slightly out of focus toward infinity

In focus

Slightly out of focus toward close range

Significantly out of focus toward close range

Adjustment information not detected


  • Under difficult shooting conditions for AF (), the guide frame may not be displayed correctly.
  • Higher aperture values are more likely to prevent correct guide frame display.
  • No AF points are displayed while the guide frame is displayed.
  • The guide frame is not displayed in these situations.
    • When the lens's focus mode switch is set to AF
    • When display is magnified
  • The guide frame is not displayed correctly during shifting or tilting of TS-E lenses.


  • The camera's auto power off counter does not count time spent adjusting the focus with a lens's electronic focusing ring.

AF-Assist Beam Firing

You can enable or disable AF-assist beam firing of the camera or a Speedlite for EOS cameras.

  1. Select [AF-assist beam firing].

  2. Select an option.

    • [ON] Enable

      Enables firing of the AF-assist beam, when needed.

    • [OFF] Disable

      Disables firing of the AF-assist beam. Set if you prefer not to fire the AF-assist beam.

    • [LED] LED AF assist beam only

      Enables LED AF-assist beam firing by Speedlites equipped with this feature, when these flash units are attached. If your Speedlite is not LED-equipped, the camera's AF-assist beam is fired instead.


  • If a Speedlite's [AF-assist beam firing] Custom Function is set to [Disable], the AF-assist beam will not be emitted.