Print Studio Pro or Professional Print & Layout Not Appearing in Photoshop on Apple Silicon (M1 Processor) Macs
Article ID: ART179752 | Date published: 05/11/2021 | Date last updated: 09/14/2022


If you've installed Print Studio Pro or Professional Print & Layout on an Apple Silicon based Mac and they don't appear under File --> Automate, try running Photoshop using Rosetta.


Before Starting

Professional Print & Layout version 1.3.6 is now a Universal application. This means that if you are using the plug-in version of this software with Photoshop, you will not need to open it using Rosetta.

You will still need to open Photoshop with Rosetta if you are using Print Studio Pro.

If you have an Apple Silicon based Mac and Print Studio Pro or Professional Print & Layout don't appear under File --> Automate, try launching Photoshop using Rosetta.

Follow the steps below to use Rosetta to launch Photoshop.

 While Photoshop 2021 is used for this example, these steps also apply to Photoshop 2022.

  1. In the Finder, navigate to Applications \ Adobe Photoshop 2021 (or the appropriate Photoshop folder).

  2. Select the Adobe Photoshop 2021 icon, then select Get Info from the File menu.

  3. In the Info window that appears, place a check in the box for Open using Rosetta.

    Place a check next to Open using Rosetta (outlined in red)

  4. Close this window, then launch Photoshop.

Without this option enabled, these plug-ins won't appear under Automate.

Figure: Plug-ins not displayed under Automate


When Photoshop is launched with Rosetta:

Figure: Plug-ins appear under Automate (outlined in red)

If your product issue was not resolved after following the steps above, or if you require additional help, please create or log in to your Canon Account to see your technical support options.

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