Toggle the Auto Power Setting - G2270

Article ID: ART181366 | Date published: 02/02/2023 | Date last updated: 02/08/2023


Learn how to toggle the auto power setting of the PIXMA G2270.


You can enable the printer to turn on/off automatically considering the environment


Turn on the Printer Automatically

You can enable the printer to turn on automatically when you perform printing or scanning operations from the computer.

  1. Make sure the printer is powered on.

  2. Press the Setup Setup button (pliers and screwdriver) button until 14 appears on the LCD.

  3. Press the Color button.

    To disable the function, press the Black button.


Turn off the Printer Automatically

You can enable the printer to turn off automatically when no operation is made or no printing data is sent to the printer for a specified period of time.

  1. Make sure the printer is powered on.

  2. Press the Setup Setup button (pliers and screwdriver) button until 13 appears on the LCD.

  3. Press the Color button.

    To disable the function, press the Black button.

If your product issue was not resolved after following the steps above, or if you require additional help, please create or log in to your Canon Account to see your technical support options.

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