Wi-Fi Connection is unavailable during the initial setup
Article ID: ART181623 | Date published: 03/09/2023 | Date last updated: 03/13/2023


Things to look at When Wi-Fi Connection is unavailable during the initial setup


Wi-Fi Connection is unavailable during the initial setup.

In cases where a Wi-Fi connection is unavailable during the initial setup of your device, there are several things (settings) involving the wireless router that could potentially affect the ability for a device to communicate effectively.

  • Client Separation - If the wireless router has the option for "Client Separation", disabling this option may help.  To determine if your router has this option and for instructions on how to disable it, refer to the user manual for your router, or contact your router's manufacturer.
  • Band Steering - This is an automatic switching feature between 2.4GHz and 5GHz. With this enabled, there are cases where setting up a wireless device fails. Disabling this option may help to resolve this.  Additionally, using unique network names between 2.4GHz and 5GHz may help. To determine if your router has this option and for instructions on how to make changes, refer to the user manual for your router...or, contact your router's manufacturer.
  • PC connected to 5GHz - In some cases when the computer is connected to a 5GHz frequency band, the device setup cannot be performed successfully. Connect the computer to the Wi-Fi router using a 2.4GHz frequency band, and try the setup again.

    Note:  If the band steering function of the Wi-Fi router is enabled, disable it, and designate different (unique) network names for 2.4GHz and 5GHz. Then connect the computer to the router using the 2.4GHz network name, and run the setup program again.

    To determine if your router has this option and for instructions on how to make any changes, refer to the user manual for your router...or, contact your router's manufacturer.