Transmission / Reception of Faxes Using ECM - G4270
Article ID: ART181640 | Date published: 03/14/2023 | Date last updated: 05/02/2023


This article provides some information on sending and receiving faxes using ECM (Error Correction Mode) on the PIXMA G4270.


This printer is set to send / receive faxes in Error Correction Mode (ECM). If the recipient's fax device is compatible with ECM, ECM automatically corrects errors and resends the fax.

 If the sender's or recipient's fax device is not compatible with ECM, the fax will be sent / received without automatic error correction.

 To receive color faxes, make sure that ECM RX in Adv. communication settings in Advanced fax settings under Fax settings is set to ON.

To disable ECM transmission / reception, set ECM TX and ECM RX in Adv. communication settings to OFF.

 Transmission / reception may take longer when ECM is enabled.

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