Which languages can be displayed? (EOS REBEL T5i / EOS 700D)
Article ID: FAQ100286 | Date published: 05/29/2015 | Date last updated: 08/17/2015


Icons used on this page:
<><>: Cross keys / [ ]: Set-up tab 2 / <>: Setting button
*The icons and markings indicating the cameras buttons, dials, and settings correspond to the icons and markings on the camera and on the LCD monitor.

Languages that can be displayed on the LCD monitor

The following 25 languages can be displayed on the LCD monitor of your camera.

Selecting the Interface Language

To select the interface language, follow the steps below.

1. Set the power switch to <ON>.

2. Press the <MENU> button to display the menu screen.

3. Press the <> key to select the [ ] tab.

4. Press the <> key to select [Language ] (the sixth item from the top), then press <>.

5. Press the <> key to select the language.
(In this case, [Japanese] has been selected.)

6. Press the <> button, and the interface language will change.

7. Press the <MENU> button to return to the shooting settings display.
This completes the process of selecting the interface language.