
Access Printer Driver Settings - Windows PC

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TitleAccess Printer Driver Settings - Windows PC
URL NameART114234

Learn how to open the printer driver settings window on a Windows PC to change print settings and other driver functions.


You will need to know how to open the printer setup window to perform printer maintenance, such as print head cleaning or to install a printing profile that is common to all of your printer applications.

Note This article explains how to open the printer driver setup window on a Windows PC. Learn how to open the printer driver setup window on a Mac®.

You can open the printer driver setup window in two ways:

  1. The printer application you use.
  2. The printer icon.

1. Open the setup window from your printer application

  1. Open the printer dialogue box. In general, you will select Print from the File menu to open it.

  2. Select your printer model name, then Preferences or Properties.

Note Depending on the printer software you use, command names or menu names may vary and there may be more steps. For details, refer to your software user's manual.

2. Open the setup window from the printer icon

  1. Follow the steps below that match your computer's operating system, then go to step 2.

    • Windows 11, from the Desktop, select the Start menu Settings > Bluetooth & devices > Devices > Devices and Printers.

    • Windows 10, from the Desktop, select the Start menu Settings > Select Devices.

  2. Right-click your model name icon, then select Printing preferences from the menu. The printer driver setup window appears.

  3. To see what's printing, or delete pending jobs, right click on your model icon, and click See what's printing.

  4. To perform maintenance, right-click your model name icon, then select Printing preferences from the menu. The printer driver setup window appears

  5. Click on the Maintenance tab in the Printing Preferences menu. Here, you have the ability to perform a nozzle check, cleanings, alignments, and other adjustments.

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